‘Stories That Matter’ is a documentary series where we try to uplift some stories that deserve to to be in the limelight. We believe every single individual in this world has a story to tell, through our initiative we try to push some stories that the media fails to cover.
‘Stories That Matter’ started off with a bunch of young enthusiasts, wanting to make films, because we were passionate about it and eventually, these films ended up in National Level Film Festivals. Pretty cool for following our passion, right?
The idea of this series started off as we came across various individuals and their stories during the pandemic, most of whom have suffered financially and we wanted to raise funds for few of them, which could help them in sustaining their livelihood. Over time we came across so many stories, that we felt the need to continuously make documentaries so as to make their voices heard. At this point, we are trying to expand our stories all across Karnataka and India, eventually to make this a National project.
Raga Productions, helps you cut through the noise and understand what’s driving events in the headlines and in our lives.